Dec 27, 2019
This is our second New Year Celebration together! In this episode we are talking about New Year Resolutions and being RESOLUTE.
Dec 20, 2019
Does the general public have an attitude towards people
with disabilities? Are the attitudes more prevalent in the work
place? Are people, in general, afraid of people with a disability?
Find out in this Episode of AN APPLE A DAY,MERRY...
Dec 13, 2019
Working a seasonal job and collecting extra income while collecting Social Security Disability or SSI...Moronic Holiday Dinner Talk...Are the disabled weak minded addicts???...Cars kill people...
Nov 29, 2019
We Survived Thanksgiving and Santa Claus came to town yesterday so the Holiday season Has begun!! In the episode, we continue to discuss coping with the holidays, family and money. We also share some information from medicare and social security!
Nov 22, 2019
This is our 2nd ANNIVERSARY!! That's right, we have been getting together at least once a week, if not more, for the the last Two Years!!! In this episode, we are discussing being disabled and attending Holiday Parties! You are not a disabled person! You are merely a person with a...