Oct 29, 2018
Don't ignore things that go bump in the night! And by all means....Lock the Basement Door!
Halloween Special!!
Oct 26, 2018
If you're not disabled, don't use a disabled parking permit. If you're not disabled, don't park in a handicapped spot. If you're not disabled, don't take the motorized shopping carts for joy rides, they are not carnival attractions!
In this episode, we also talk about sugar substitutes as well as a new update...
Oct 18, 2018
You are more than just a disability and cannot let others define you as such! If you date a person with a disability, are you just settling?
We also discuss the COLA (Cost Of Living Adjustment) for Social Security and SSI beneficiaries for 2019.
And, Social Security for the Self Employed
Oct 12, 2018
Is drinking a couple of glasses of wine good for your health? Are E-Cigarettes better for you than regular tobacco smokes?....Listen in to find out the truth.... PLUS....We've got the the answer to what the increase for Social Security for 2019 is already!!!...You're not gonna wanna miss this episode of An Apple A Day!
Oct 9, 2018
This isn't a full apple...in fact it is just a bit...a bite....a taste...a slice....an apple fritter of what's coming up this Friday...It's only a few minutes long so check it out....You'll be sorry if you don't!!....Find out what tastes like COW POOP