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An Apple A Day  is not only a podcast but also a resource and a community. It's a place to share experiences and learn from others as we overcome barriers and learn to live a happy, and healthy life, NOT AS DISABLED PEOPLE BUT AS PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITY! Welcome to the community!

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Oct 10, 2022

During the 2022 midterm election,

38.3 MILLION VOTERS with DISABILITIES will have the opportunity to participate in the democratic process. These voters may include you, one of your friends, or a family member.....Voters with disabilities face unique obstacles when casting their ballots. Join Jimmy in the discussion how the about how the HELP AMERICA VOTE ACT ensures that all voters with disabilities have the right to mark, cast and verify their ballots privately and independently.

websites in this episode:

Election Assistance Commission (EAC)

Find your State& Local Election office:

Living With A Disability: