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An Apple A Day  is not only a podcast but also a resource and a community. It's a place to share experiences and learn from others as we overcome barriers and learn to live a happy, and healthy life, NOT AS DISABLED PEOPLE BUT AS PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITY! Welcome to the community!

Please visit our website


Feb 24, 2018

In this episode, we discuss various scams aimed at separating us from our money. Learn how to identify them and avoid becoming a victim.

Do you know who daytime TV advertisers are targeting? If you said YOU, you just might be right.

Do you know the right time to purchase a car?

What are you still doing here? Download...

Feb 16, 2018

We are talking about suicide and suicide prevention and supply the suicide prevention hot Line Phone Number.

We continue talking about diabetic shoes and supply a website to read more about them and see the different styles available.

Insulin pump vs Insulin shots.

Cities who supply "safe spaces" for junkies to shoot up...

Feb 10, 2018

We discuss the dangers of stopping and starting medications on your own.

Free shoes for Diabetics.

Who to see for your eyes--Ophthalmologist or Optometrist?

Opioid problem in society; disability or not?

Feb 3, 2018

We answer Betty, a listener who thinks Jimmy Apple degrades stroke victims.

We discuss the fact that someone who becomes disabled  ends up loosing friends and finds one or two true friends.

Don't run a marathon if you don't have legs. Stay in your lane.